
Chapter 4???

Chapter the First was moving to SA & working in rural areas; Chapter the Second was moving to Cape Town; Chapter the Third was returning to the USA and then returning to SA; and Chapter the Fourth is couch surfing, undefined, future up in the air, nomadic.

Wednesday marked the end of 3rd Term at school and the end of my tenure in cousin Margaret's lovely Oranjezicht flat; and it marked the beginning of Spring Holidays and the beginning of my tenure on the various couches of various incredible friends. This week I'll be staying in Camps Bay with Adrian, nomad-cyclying-connoisseur of the Himalayas to the southern tip of Africa South. Next week, it will my papa who is coming to visit in Sea Point. The next... and the next... and the next... we shall see!

As a proper nester, this is so not my style. Yes, it is one thing to pack up and trek across continents, but it's another to be able to live out of suitcase when working as a professional in a western world. And to sponge from the generosity of lovely people and occupy their living rooms! But, I had to suck up my pride for this one. My bank account dwindling every day more, it seemed best to take up my friends' on their couch-hosting offers while I determine my next steps in this place.

Plans are swirling about in the air and there are options awaiting me again in the Free State, as an english teacher, as a student (obtaining a teaching certificate), and possibly even more freewheeling in the open landscape of this continent. For now, I am planning to embark on a one month Teaching English as a Foreign Language course at the beginning of October. It will force me to take some steps away from St. Paul's Primary but will allow me to follow more opportunity come the end of my time at the school in December. I see it as a test, as a chance to see how successful the library will be without me in it, handling it every day. It will give the school the opportunity to take it on fully - but still with me only an arm's reach away. Here's to hoping, and praying!

Still, even more adventure awaits at the beginning of November. I know, it was so predictable from the onset of me moving to SA, but my heart has been captured by that of a very nice lad, Johannes. I haven't seen him since we met in May as he lives building furniture and houses in Mozambique...but I will be joining him for a 2 week jaunt through the Drakensburg mountains of Lesotho (said: Le-soo-too) in November via motorbike. So potentially, another type of road to travel awaits me there. Let me just add that I cannot believe I'm hypothesizing about this on the www: just trying to provide a window into this little life of mine, so bear with me!

Now for those of you unaware, Lesotho is a small country landlocked within the confines of South Africa, a bit south of Johannesburg and west of Durban. Generally, located within the northeast part of the country's whole. Obviously there will be more to follow, but to give you a Lesotho preview (photo from http://www.africanbirdclub.org/countries/Lesotho/introduction.html):

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